This event has concluded. We'll update this page with recordings soon.
Meanwhile, checkout the livestream on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZeYJxIFD_s
Getting a job in academia
Panel on getting a job in academia.
We are organizing a panel with senior students in the area of Computer Systems to talk about their experience on getting an academic jobs. The panel will specifically focus on students who are planning to get an academic jobs.
The panel will be a one-hour live session with pre-sourced questions and live discussion. All students interested in getting an academic jobs in CS fields are invited to join and ask questions!
- When:
- Where:
- The session will be live on Zoom and streamed on YouTube. The recording will be available on YouTube and BiliBili
- Please register on Eventbrite so we can reach out to you with the latest info
- Subscribe for future events
Submit your questions!
(Ordered by last name)
Jie is currently a PhD candidate in the Parallel Architecture, System, and Algorithm Lab at the UC Merced supervised by Prof. Dong Li. Her research focuses on developing practical techniques to solve memory management issues in parallel computing systems, particularly in developing runtime support on heterogeneous memory systems.

Gururaj is a PhD candidate in ECE at Georgia Tech, USA, advised by Prof. Moinuddin Qureshi. His research interests in computer architecture and security include cache side-channels, transient execution attacks, Rowhammer attacks, DRAM integrity, memory safety and fuzzing.

Kazem is a PhD. candidate in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD). He is advised by Dean Tullsen and his research interests are in computer architecture and computer security. In particular, he is interested in microarchitectural attacks and high-performance mitigations.

George received his Ph.D in Computer Science from UC Santa Barbara. His dissertation was on the development, formalization, and deployment of a neuro-inspired temporal paradigm for in-sensor processing and superconducting computing.

Qian is a postdoc at UCLA working with Prof. Miryung Kim. She got her Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Dec. 2017, adviced by Prof. Johnny Qiang Xu. Her research lies at the intersection of software engineering, heterogeneous hardware design, and data-intensive scalable computing (DISC) systems. Currently, she is working on interactive human-in-the-loop design space exploration for heterogeneous computing with FPGAs, and an offloading runtime with input guard synthesis for heterogeneous computing.
Get in touch with us at contact@students-at-systems.org if you have any questions.